

PG电子游戏成立于2001年 领袖堂 规定永久承认毕业生, 以前的学生, and former employees who have distinguished records of achievement and proven themselves as men and women of good character. 它位于埃尔文L. Skiles社会科学大楼一楼的圆形走廊. The 领袖堂 was made possible by a generous gift in 2001 from Inez Kelley of Houston, 德州, 还有她已故的丈夫, Dr. 柯南道尔凯利.

2024届名人堂入选者于周五获得认可, 3月1日, 2024, at Hardin-Simmons大学 with a luncheon at which family and friends celebrated their accomplishments.


我在历史悠久的德克萨斯州大泉长大, 劳拉•摩尔 found the West 德州 town to be her launching pad for big dreams and great accomplishments.

劳拉很幸运,有慈爱的父母在她身上投入了长久的精力. Her mother was a strong role model who dearly loved her and was a beloved Nana to Laura’s daughters. 从初中开始, Laura carried a legal pad with her and was on the lookout for projects with which to become involved. 这种做法一直延续至今.

高中毕业后, 劳拉被PG电子游戏录取, a campus she came to love – a special place where she made her mark and life-long friendships.  在许, Laura participated in Student Government and served as president of the Student Congress her senior year. 毕业后, 她就读于曼彻斯特的曼彻斯特大学, 以扶轮基金奖学金学生身份在英国完成教育硕士学位.

然后,劳拉回到阿比林,在那里她嫁给了HSU校友杰伊·摩尔. 再一次, Laura picked up her legal pad as she embarked on her professional career and civic opportunities. 她职业生涯的亮点包括在哈佛大学担任12年的行政工作, 担任校友主任, 市场营销和招生服务, 以及总统助理. 在此期间, 她协调了包括100项活动的大学百年校庆, 以及校友广场第一期的发展.

她在大的时候, Laura served as Director of the National Center for Children’s Illustrated Literature and as coordinator for “Reach Out and Read West 德州.“另外, 作为发展总监, she worked on the Hendrick Children’s Hospital fundraising campaign where she enlisted Michael Berenstain, 《PG电子官方免费下载》系列的作者, to allow the hospital to name each room in the children’s hospital for a different book.

她在亨德里克服役之后, Laura spent several years as a consultant and worked with a variety of non-profits to help them garner resources for their missions. She was asked to serve as Executive Director of the G比赛 Museum in 2012 and has been in that capacity for 12 years. Presently the museum is a partner in the Abilene Heritage Square project which The G比赛 will oversee and where the museum will add the Spark Science Center.

在公共服务领域, 劳拉一直担任阿比林领导委员会主席, 市区发展委员会, 和2011年一起, 除此之外, 把第一个防水垫带到阿比林.  另外, she has chaired the HSU Board of Trustees and the Abilene Chamber of Commerce and served two terms on the Abilene City Council. 作为阿比林社区和PG电子游戏受人尊敬的领袖, 劳拉是出了名的善于倾听, 共识, 表达沟通能力, 他的领导能力就是把事情做好.

她生命中最宝贵的礼物是她的家庭——她的丈夫杰和女儿们, 麦迪逊, 伦敦, 安妮奈斯,瑞尔斯,.

For her untiring and selfless service as a civic leader and extensive contributions to non-profit leadership in West 德州, Hardin-Simmons大学 proudly inducts 劳拉•摩尔 into the HSU 领袖堂.

DR. 罗伯特·G. 大70年

Dr. 罗伯特·G. 大, currently serving as Coley Professor of History and University Historian at Howard Payne University, 出生在阿比林, 5月6日德克萨斯州, 1948.  在阿比林读完三年级之后, 他的家人搬到了理查森, 1957年出生于德克萨斯州,1966年从理查森高中毕业. 他就读于PG电子游戏, graduating in May 1970 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and political science, 并接受了美国律师的委托. S. 军官.

Going on active duty in August 1970, 大 attended Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia. 在完成步兵军官基础课程后,他接受了4级的训练.重型迫击炮排长.  1971年1月至1973年11月,大在德国任职, 在军警的领导任务中. 1973年退役后返回美国, 大进入了北德克萨斯大学的研究生院, where he completed a Master of Arts degree in American History and received his Ph.D. 在1978年成为美国历史上.

1978年秋,他毕业后的第一份工作是在牛顿市, 密西西比克拉克学院, 浸信会专科学校. During his stay at Clarke, he met and married Cheryl Ann Everett of Lake, Mississippi.  他们的婚礼, 5月31日, 1980, 马上就搬到了布朗县, 德州, 曼格伦夫妇在霍华德·佩恩度过了他们的婚姻生活.

从1980年秋天开始, 大 first served at HPU as an associate professor of history and government and head of the department of history; in the fall of 1981, he was named Assistant Director of the Douglas MacArthur Academy of Freedom and Coley Professor of American History.  1984年,他被任命为学院荣誉项目主任. 1997年12月前担任学院院长. In January 1998 he was named University Historian and in 2001 he was named Burress Professor of Genealogy and American History, 这个职位他做了29年. 今年是他在哈佛大学的第44个年头, he continues to serve as the Coley Professor of American History and as University Historian.

从1974年到1998年,大继续在美国军队服役. S. 担任过许多领导职务. 在美国服役28年之后.S. 1998年6月,大以中校军衔退役.

1998年5月, 他被选入了早期市议会, 在担任了三届市议会议员和两届临时市长之后, 他于2005年5月当选市长. 目前,他即将结束他的第十届市长任期.

表彰他在基督教高等教育中的杰出贡献, 在美国陆军中, 作为厄尔利市的市长, PG电子游戏自豪地聘请了. 罗伯特·G. 曼格伦走进了哈佛大学的领导大厅.

George Robert (bob) Bryan ' 67

乔治·罗伯特·布莱恩, 阿比林人, could not have envisioned the life that God had in store for him when he was a young boy in the Key City. 他将成为一位受人尊敬的商业领袖, 让自己成为一名公用事业高管, 在非营利性志愿服务中, 作为一个虔诚的基督教信徒.

Bob was born on September 22, 1944, in Abilene, 德州 where he spent his years through college. 1963年,他从库珀高中(Cooper High School)毕业,开始打篮球. He graduated from Hardin-Simmons大学 in 1967 with a Bachelor of Business 政府 degree. 在HSU读书期间,他在孤星天然气公司工作,以帮助支付他的大学费用.

大学毕业后, 他开始全职为孤星天然气公司工作,并与玛丽·弗朗西斯·伍德沃德结婚, 谁会成为他32年的伴侣. 此后不久, 他加入美国海军三年,获得中尉军衔. 在他完成海军服役后, he returned to Lone Star Gas (later Enserch Exploration) and after short stints in Athens, 塔尔萨, 和俄克拉荷马城, 他被分配到达拉斯的公司总部. He held various positions with increased responsibility in the company and retired as the Chairman of Enserch Energy. 在那里,他还完成了哈佛大学高级管理课程.

Bob served on the Board of Directors for 德州 Commerce Bank-Brookhollow and Dallas Petroleum Club, 担任理查森高地和威尔希尔浸信会的执事, 也是德克萨斯州青年牲畜拍卖博览会的董事会成员. He and Mary also owned and operated a ranch near Grand Saline where they raised Beefmaster Cattle and spent many of their weekends.

即使在他繁忙的日程中, 鲍勃自豪地为母校服务, Hardin-Simmons大学, 担任董事会成员九年, including several years as Chairman of the Finance Committee and three years as Chairman of the Board. 作为受托人, 他为人所知不仅是因为他的商业头脑, 关注财务细节, 而敏捷的决策能力也为他带来了敏锐的幽默感.

在HSU董事会任职期间,Bob被诊断出患有胰腺癌. 一年后的10月8日,他去世了, 1998, 54岁的时候, 他的妻子玛丽活了下来, 女儿斯蒂芬妮, 女婿道格拉斯·艾利森, 母亲弗朗西斯·布莱恩, 兄弟姐妹乔, 凯, 和安. Bob Bryan packed a great deal of service, love for his family, and Christian devotion into his life.

表彰他的商业成就以及对国家和母校的贡献, PG电子官方免费下载自豪地将乔治·罗伯特·布莱恩引入哈佛大学领袖堂.

